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 GLYCE: Brief History & About the Species

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PostSubject: GLYCE: Brief History & About the Species    GLYCE: Brief History & About the Species  I_icon_minitime7/20/2020, 07:45

About the Species

This species is native to the planet, Ryze. It's a small, somewhat overpopulated planet- amassing a population of nearly eight billion individuals living on its three continents. Ryze is nearly 70% landmass to 30% water, none of which retains any of the salt it once had due to over-treatment of the natural oceans and frequent filtration and processing of the water to be used by the population. In short, the native beings completely ruined the atmosphere of their planet by removing most (if not all) natural growth.

Things like grass and trees are extremely rare. You might be able to find small sanctuaries or areas where natural flora and fauna are preserved, but otherwise, you could easily go your entire life without seeing grass, a tree, flowers, birds, insects, etc. Of course, unless you were to live near a sanctuary or pursue a job in dealing with flora or fauna. The sanctuaries are few and far between, somewhat hidden within the technological cities of the world.

Because natural flora and fauna are so rare, foodstuffs on Ryze are usually synthetic. Lab-grown options are also available, but for a higher price than normal synthetic products. The "natural" options are geared more towards the wealthy and the rich, while the general public relies mostly on the synthetic foods. Vitamin supplements are a staple in most homes due to the synthetic diet.

Ryze is fairly warm to moderately high in temperature. Temperatures in the colder months rarely drop below 50° F and in the warmer months, you see an average of about 85°-90° F. As time goes on, the seasons get warmer and warmer, partly due to the tampering of the oceans on Ryze, and it's massive, overpopulated landmasses producing extreme amounts of heat. Although they are uncommon, storm systems still form on Ryze, bringing rain and slightly cooler temperatures, but they hardly make much of an impact in terms of temperature.

As mentioned, all three of Ryze's continents are covered in every direction with roads, homes, factories, and buildings. It is a literal planet-wide urban jungle. Cities are pretty easy to tell apart from one another, since most of the larger buildings and more work-oriented structures are clustered in the center, with homes and roads running all around them. City limits are often marked by signs on roads, and small divisions between neighborhoods.

Between the three continents, there are eight states; each state run by an Elite. The Elites essentially come up with and enforce their own set of laws and regulations for their state, and are ultimately the ones that decide what is built, what is funded, and how things work within their state. What is legal and what is not varies between states, though there are a few common laws shared between all eight states that one must follow:

- Don't physically or emotionally cause harm to yourself or another person.

- Don't leave the state without proper legal documents clearing you to leave.

- Don't have children without the proper legal documents clearing you to do so.

Fun Fact: In all but one state, it is illegal to possess any natural flora or fauna on your property without the proper legal paperwork. In fear that housing plants and animals in a safe environment could cause them to grow out of control, spread, and destroy the already crippled natural ecosystem of Ryze, it's banned through most states- aside from one whose primary goal is to restore a more natural version of Ryze.

That being said, there is one "main goal" of each state. Every Elite has his or her own vision of what Ryze should be and builds their laws upon how they figure the world should be. Where one state may wish to revive Ryze in a more natural way, another may try to completely eradicate the natural growth and reclaim 'wasted space'. The goals and objectives of each Elite are clear with how they run their state, but they are as follows:

- Orlon: Seeks to spread to new worlds and colonize: prioritizes space-faring technology, and population.

- Tenx: Seeks to reclaim wasted areas on Ryze: Prioritized innovative architecture, builds underwater, underground, and over other buildings.

- Soliare: Seeks to destroy the overpopulation: Prioritizes medicinal sciences and leads in health and well-being.

- Cadilla: Seeks to reclaim Ryze's natural flora and fauna: Prioritizes natural sciences and rehabilitation.

- Porten: Seeks to have more control of the people: Prioritizes jobs, education, and police forces.

- Gaimo: Seeks to Turn Ryze into a 'tourist trap': Prioritizes more entertainment and decoration.

- Malazar: Seeks to eradicate the species aside from the elder and the other elites: Actually a giant asshole.

- Adari: Seeks to turn Ryze into a more advanced and efficient world: They just try to work with what they have and make it better.

Individuals born in a state stay in that state until after they have finished school, and are able to afford the legal documents allowing them to move out. Unlike a simple passport (which would allow you to travel to other states as a tourist of sorts) these papers allow you to permanently change your residence to a new state and get a job and home there. Otherwise, unless you are a registered resident of a certain city, you cannot own property, or work in another city while living in another.


The name Glyce encompasses the population of Ryze's native species as a whole, but there are actually four different sub-species from this one brought on by natural or technological adaptation to the mind and body, and even from outside tampering from another species entirely. So when using the term "Glyce" to refer to the species as a whole, you are including the original Glyce and their three other variants as well. Let's start with the original Glyce.

Glyce - the original species

Glytor - a natural evolutionary branch

Glytch - synthetic recreations of the species

Glavian - a fully flighted variation of the race.

Gyst - Phantom-like, mythical Glyce

Golyth - Bulky, enlarged lab-born Glyce.

Pteryce - Wyvern-like, fully flighted Glyce

Aquaryce - Aquatic born Glyce; lives most, if not all its life in the water.

Last edited by iMojira on 7/20/2020, 08:31; edited 1 time in total
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Join date : 2020-07-09
Age : 36
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PostSubject: Re: GLYCE: Brief History & About the Species    GLYCE: Brief History & About the Species  I_icon_minitime7/20/2020, 08:29


The school systems across Ryze are far from consistent. Each state has a unique curriculum geared towards the state’s focus.  The years a young Glyce must remain in school varies depending on the priority the state places in knowledge and how much they need to learn in order to be a functioning part of the local community. Whether or not they are taught about things not directly related to their jobs is also related to how much the state values education.

Priority Schooling

Stage 1 Schooling - Glyce ages 10 years to 30 years will attend their first stages of schooling learning their planet’s history, standard language and socializing
Stage 2 Schooling - Glyce ages 30 to 90 years will be taking lessons on harder subjects such as mathematics, history, biology, and lab classes to strengthen their ability to take in information as they grow older and ready for stage 3 schooling.
Secondary Schooling
Stage 3 Schooling - Glyce ages 90 to 200 will start their third stage in the schooling system. This introduces the career shadowing process of the educational program. Glyce will start shadowing various jobs and careers so that they can start training for what they will want to do as their life long careers. They will also learn about major holidays and have the options to start live in the military.
Graduate Schooling
Stage 4 Schooling - Glyce aged 200-300 take this time after shadowing other jobs to finally decide the path they wish to take.  Depending on the path at this point they will be educated to become experts at their field of choice so they can go out into the world and do their job as efficiently and effectively as possible.



There are several days a year that a large number of the population, excluding emergency workers and other jobs that are crucial to keep things going, get time off to celebrate time honoured traditions.  One of the biggest events of the year that unites the world for a day is a grand set of festivals across Ryze celebrating the Elder, affectionately called The Day of Unity.  Though prayer to the elder is common throughout the rest of the year, this particular day is special in it’s intention to unify the people.  Many Glyce around the world take time out of their day to appreciate what’s left and share their hope or mourning.  Every Elite member presents a gift on behalf of their state to be delivered to the solidified elder.  The sentiment intended is that every state is a small part of a bigger whole.  The rest of the day is spent celebrating the good things in their life.  Each state has unique celebrations and decorate the cities based on their strengths and abilities.  There’s dancing, music, and various partying; it’s very much encouraged to reach out to loved ones to express your affections.  Many Glyce reunite with old friends on this day.  

Another important holiday in Ryze is Honours Day, a day off to honour those who lost their lives or generally served in the war between Malware and Vaccine.  They day is known for the generally sombre nature and the great quiet that settles over the many cities.  Many Glyce take a vow of silence for the day.  Ceremonies are often held, music is played, and designated speakers talk about the history of their worlds and the battle. This is a time for them to thank the living veterans as well and honour their achievements!  Gifts for them are not uncommon during this time.



The number of jobs in certain fields highly depends on the location. General jobs can be found pretty much anywhere such as: retail, plumbing, construction, general upkeep, education, transportation, paperwork, factories, firefighters, etc.

Examples of more state specific jobs/where the jobs are more commonplace:
Orion: astronomers, scientists, astronauts, engineers, mathematicians, etc
Tenx: architects, engineers, construction workers, etc
Soliare: doctors, nurses, biologists, medical researchers, hospital staff, therapists, nutritionists, psychiatrists, pharmacists, etc
Cadilla: bioengineers, zoologists, fieldworkers, animal handlers, gardeners, botanists, landscapers, veterinarians, etc
Porten: law enforcement, military, security, secret agents, pilots, soldiers
Gaimo: artists, performers, musicians, actors, tour guides, museum staff, producers, developers, event coordinators,amusement park staff, designers, models, writers, etc
Malazar: weapons experts, bioengineers,
Adari: Electricians, scientists, economists, engineers, etc

iMojira wrote:
All this being said there remains some limitations. There is a lot of job options available for your Glyce with a few exceptions.
You may not have glyce in these positions:
Military, Police Force, Military Pilots, Agents, Major Doctors, and Government Positions
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